How Does the Pause Feature Work For My Thimble Monthly Policy?

This feature will allow you to 'pause' your Thimble Monthly policy for up to 30 days so that you're only paying for your insurance when you need it. Pause is for Thimble Monthly customers only and can only be used once per policy. You can resume your policy at any time while your policy is paused if you need to get back on the job, otherwise, it will automatically resume after 30 days. 


This feature will allow you to take a short break from your Thimble Monthly payments. It is important to note that while you are on this break, and your policy is paused, you will NOT have coverage for any new work completed during the Pause period. You will have products and completed operations coverage during your Pause period, so long as the incident arises our of work done before Pause, while your policy was in force. 


Also of note, if your policy is ready to lapse due to non-payment, if you have yet to use your one time pause, we will automatically place your Monthly policy on pause. This will allow you to keep the same policy number and not have to go through the application process again. 


When you want to start working again, simply turn your policy back on and your coverage will resume. It's that easy! 


Throughout your Pause period, we will send reminders regarding the current state of your policy, and that you are going back to work, you will need to resume your policy. As the 30-day Pause limit approaches, we will send a reminder that the policy will resume, and payments will need to be processed for the remaining policy extensions. 





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