CGL - Can I extend my active or scheduled General Liability policy?

No problem – policies may be extended on the app for up to 31 days at a time, up to a total period of one year. Extensions give you the price you would have paid if the policy was purchased for the extended length, so you get a better deal than purchasing a second policy.

You can extend your active policy either on the congratulations screen you see right after purchase or by tapping the drawer menu (hamburger icon in top left) and selecting Certificates and Docs, then locating and tapping the policy you want to extend. Tap the “extend” button and follow the instructions. Please note that if you purchase a daily policy you will only be able to extend by a day or more, but if you purchase an hourly policy you will be able to extend by hours or full days. If your policy has expired, you will need to purchase a new policy as only active policies may be extended.


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