CGL - What is the difference between an Additional Insured and a Crew Member?

Additional Insured (AI)
An Additional Insured is covered under the policy only for liability because of your actions. That is, if you do something and the Additional Insured is brought into the claim because of what you did, the policy coverage extends to the Additional Insured. The policy does not cover an Additional Insured for its own actions unrelated to work you do.

The Additional Insured has a business relationship with the policyholder, but is not crew or an employee.

Crew Member
Crew Members aren’t the same as Additional Insureds. Your crew includes anyone who acts at your direction or collaborates with you on activities covered by your liability policy.

While adding Additional Insureds to your policy protects the individuals you add, adding crew to your policy protects you and your business. Adding crew to your general liability policy can help to make sure that if a member of your crew makes a mistake or is negligent, your liability policy will respond if the result of their actions is a covered cause of loss.


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