Certificate Manager: Add Team Members to your account

You can add as many team members to your Certificate Manager account as you'd like, and they can all view and manage all of your projects and contractors. First, navigate to the "Settings" page, accessible in the screenshot below:



Once you're on the "Settings" page, click the "My Team" tab in the top. If it's your first time adding a Team Member, you'll need to click the "Build My Team" tab to become an organization.


After you've activated your account as an account that has multiple team members, you can manage your entire team from this page. 

To add new member: Click the "Add Team Member" button and enter their email address. We'll let them know they've been invited and help them set up their account.

To change a team members account level: Click the Drop Down next to their name and select their status.

  • "Owner" is the person who set up this account initially, but that can be changed. Owners have access to all settings
  • "Admins" have access to add and manage other team members, just like the "Owner"
  • "Standard" only has access to manage Projects and Contractors, but they can't add other team members. 



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