Certificate Manager: What are the different statuses of my contractors?

Contractors in the Certificate Manager are listed with one of three statuses in the dashboard: (1) Pending, (2) Approved, or (3) Expired.


Approved: This means the contractor has provided proof of insurance that meets your insurance requirements. There are 2 types of approved contractors:

  • Auto-Approved: This means they bought a policy from Thimble with your requirements pre-selected, so you don't even need to review the COI. 
  • Manually Approved: This means the contractor uploaded a COI for you to review, and somebody on your team manually reviewed it and marked it as approved. 

Pending: This can mean a handful of things, but as you'd expect, it's for contractors that are not approved. These are the different types of pending:

  • Created: This means you've added somebody to your Certificate Manager, but you haven't requested anything from them yet. You can request documents from their page at any point in time, or upload documents your self if you have them.
  • Documents Requested: This means you've requested documents from a contractor but they haven't responded yet. We know they can be forgetful, so you can log in and click "Request Documents" again at any point to send a friendly reminder.
  • Documents Uploaded: This means they've uploaded documents for you to review. You can click the document to review it side-by-side with your requirements, shown in the screenshot below. 


  • Requested Updates: If you've reviewed an uploaded document but found some issues, you probably requested updates. This will be the status for anybody who didn't meet your requirements, and we've let them know exactly what's missing. 

Expired: As you'd expect, this is the status for anybody with expired documents. Log in and request them for updated documents at any point in time. 


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